General Information
Jarrah grows in a variety of colours, ranging from light pink to chocolate brown. The darker the colour the older the wood. Affected by where it grows the coastal Jarrah has a very different grain and colour to inland Jarrah.
General Characteristics
Physical: Heavy, hard, strong (particularly crushing strength), and stiff with moderate dimensional stability in service.
Colour Rich dark reddish brown heartwood, often with gum veins and boat-shaped flecks. Paler reddish brown sapwood.
Pattern : Typically straight grained but often interlocked and wavy.
Relative Working Properties
Machining: Reduced cutting angle recommended for planing. Turns well. Pre-drilling required for screwing and nailing.
Fixing: Fairly difficult to work due to hardness and density.
Bending: Steam-bends moderately well.
Finishing: Glues and finishes well. Highly decay resistant heartwood.