Veneers (natural Wood)
Furniture manufacturing such as corporate boardroom tables,Kitchens (doors, cabinets etc.) and Fit out of shops, corporate boardrooms, offices and reception areas.
When ordering veneered panels etc., it is possible to specify the look or feel you want to create unique designs and special effects for your project. The following should assist you in specifying the correct materials for your project.
Clear face grade: - this grade will have clearly defined grain patterns from cathedral and swirl patterns with pure consistency across the panel. Natural features such as stress marks, pin knots, branch knots, hobnail and resin streaks are either not present, or are in minimal amounts.
Feature face grade: - this grade will contain some of the natural features described above. All veneered panels require a back, which can be specified as G2S (Good 2 Sides) where the front and back are of similar grade. Alternatively DGB (Down Grade Back) may be specified where a lower grade is used or a Bamo back of any low grade species can be used to Balance the sheet from warping
Click here to view/download the latest Timber Veneer Association brochure on veneers [5MB].
New age Veneers Gallery Click here
