Botanical Name:Syncarpia glomulifera
Turpentine is a large sized tree which grows predominantly along the east coast of Australia from Sydney to far north Cairns in Queensland.

Its bark is stringy, fibrous and quite deeply rutted. The bark contains a band of oleo-resin which has given the tree its common name. This resin is thought to have a repelling affect on insects and the bark is typically left in place for marine pile applications.
The heartwood is a reddish brown pale colour with the sapwood being distinctly lighter in colour. The texture is generally fine and even with the grain having characteristic interlocking. The timber is free of gum vein. Considerable movement may be experienced when seasoning the product due to the interlocking grain.

Turpentine is highly durable (Class 1) making it extremely versatile. Applications include heavy engineering, marine structures and piling, ship building, sleepers, poles, framework, panelling, cladding, flooring and decking.